Service Cost Cheat Sheet

Author(s): Derek Shank

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Use this template to document the drivers of cost for the cloud services your organization uses.


Reduce Cloud Costs, Control Cloud Costs, Lower Cloud Costs, Cut Cloud Costs, Cloud Cost Management, Cloud Cost Optimization, Maximize Business Value from the Cloud, Reduce AWS Costs, Reduce AWS Bill, Lower AWS Bill, Cut AWS Bill, Slash AWS Bill, Reduce Spend on AWS, Reduce AWS Spend, Cut AWS Costs, Cut Costs on AWS, AWS Cost Cutting, AWS Cost Reduction, Reduce Cloud Infrastructure Costs, Lower Public Cloud Costs, Lower Public Cloud Spend, Reduce Public Cloud Spend, Reduce Cost of Cloud Infrastructure, Reduce Spend on Cloud Infrastructure, Manage Cloud Costs, Manage Cloud Costs on AWS, Improve Cloud Cost Management, Effective Cloud Cost Management, Cloud Cost Management Best Practices, AWS Cost Management Best Practices, Best Practices to Manage Costs on AWS, Cloud Cost Management Process, AWS Cost Management Process, AWS Cost Management Program, Cloud Cost Management Program, Develop Program to Manage Cloud Costs, Develop Process to Manage Cloud Costs, Build Program to Manage Cloud Costs, Establish a Cloud Cost Management Program, Develop a Cloud Cost Management Program, Build Process to Manage Cloud Costs, Hold Developers Accountable for Cloud Costs, Hold Engineers Accountable for Cloud Costs, Hold Teams Accountable for Cloud Costs, Charge Back Cloud Costs to the Business, Charge Back Cloud Spend, Show Back Cloud Costs, Charge Back Cloud Costs, Cloud Cost Showback, Cloud Cost Chargeback, Cloud Cost Allocation, Allocation of Cloud Costs, Cloud Costs Out of Control, Cloud Costs too High, AWS Bill too high, AWS Bill out of control, FinOps, Cloud FinOps, CloudFinOps, Implement FinOps, Improve FinOps, Get Started with FinOps, What is FinOps?, FinOps Program, FinOps Processes, FinOps Policies, FinOps Procedures, FinOps Guide, FinOps How-to Guide, Cloud Cost Management How-To Guide

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Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS

Change the way you work to get full value from the cloud.

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