DRP Business Impact Analysis Tool

Determine appropriate recovery time objectives based on the impact of downtime.

DRP Workbook

Record DRP information including document storage and contact/role information.

BCP-DRP Fitness Assessment

Use this COBIT 5 aligned tool to assess the current state and set a future state for your BCP and DRP documentation.

DRP BIA Scoring Context Example

Record assumptions you made in the DRP BIA to explain the results and drive business engagement and feedback.

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Business Process Flowcharts

Business Process Flowcharts for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Maturity Scorecard

Maturity Scorecard for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Action Items to Close Gaps

Action Items to Close Gaps for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Recovery Playbook

Recovery Playbook for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Business Impact Analysis

Business Impact Analysis for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study

Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study: Recovery Workflow

Recovery Workflow for Practical, Right-Sized BCP Case Study
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