Effective data center consolidation projects can provide a wide range of cost and efficiency improvements. However, benefits are by no means guaranteed. Organizations...
Data continues to grow at an exponential rate, and your current storage solutions will not meet all your future needs. Info-Tech’s methodology for storage modernization...
This workbook of the blueprint, Modernize Enterprise Storage, will guide you through activities that evaluate current storage infrastructure and plan for future storage...
Network attached file storage has been around for decades but it is having a renaissance with scale-out and software-defined technologies. In spite of a range of...
This phase of the blueprint, Modernize the Network, will help you understand and assess current network trends and decide feature and capacity requirements.
Use this tool to record your findings as you work through the exercises to modernize your network.
This phase of the blueprint, Modernize the Network, will help you understand the current state of your network to provide the starting point for your modernization.
Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should modernize the network, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand how we can support you in completing...
Use this template to create an executive presentation summarizing the key elements of your network modernization project.
Use the Network Modernization Roadmap to record and organize your technology, people, and process tasks.