Build or Refresh the Wireless LAN

Your end users are embracing wireless and you can’t afford to live in the past. They’re demanding faster and more reliable wireless networks as they push the limits of...
  • guided implementation icon

Server Backup Policy

The server backup policy protects data from loss or destruction in IT departments within companies. Without a server backup policy, a company’s assets are not as safe as...

Vendor Question Organizer Template

Use this vendor question organizer template to organize questions your vendors have regarding your RFP and your responses.

Vendor Management Template

Use this vendor management template to track your communications with the vendor and prepare for regular service reviews.

Service Acquisition Planning and Tracking Tool

Use this Service Acquisition Planning and Tracking Tool to plan your acquisition activities and track progress.

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 4: Manage the Contract, Transition, and Vendor

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you review your SLAs and develop a plan to transition the service and manage the vendor.

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why acquiring infrastructure services should be treated differently than acquiring infrastructure products.

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 3: Manage Vendor Questions and Select the Vendor

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you manage the activities surrounding vendor questions and score your responses to...

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 1: Develop the Procurement Strategy and Process

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you develop an acquisition approach, strategy, and timeline.

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 2: Assess Requirements and Build the RFP

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you assess your service requirements and build an RFP.
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