Global Data Center Facilities Project Prioritization Tool

Regardless of how the global data center was acquired, data center integration is a large and complex project that requires a prioritized step-by-step plan that includes...

Storyboard: Integrate Global Data Center Facilities

Many North American organizations inherit a global data center facility due to a merger or acquisition, greenfield expansion, or an upgrade to an existing facility in...

Data Center Power Requirements Calculator

Estimating data center power requirements can be a daunting task, especially when the data center's power supply is not monitored as a separate unit. Calculate current...

Active Power CleanSource: Flywheel Technology for Ride-Through UPS

Flywheel technology is emerging in the market as a strong alternative to UPS battery-based ride-through systems in the data center. Active Power presents a leading...

Server Room Co-location Site Visit & Evaluation Checklist

Organizations that have determined a shortlist of co-location vendors (likely after the RFP process) should conduct additional due diligence before making the final...

Data Center Contractor Scripted Interview Scorecard

When meeting with potential contractors for the build of a new data center, organizations should use a scripted interview to aid in the decision making process. Each...

Data Center Contractor Reference Check Checklist

Building a data center is a complex and expensive project that requires the assistance of contractors, especially in the design and planning stages. Selecting the right...

Data Center Fire Protection and Suppression Vendor Criteria Checklist

While preliminary decisions can be made by IT, the final decision and selection process should be done by consulting a fire engineer. However, not all fire engineers are...

Storyboard: Renovate the Data Center

Successful data center renovation projects involve more than refreshing specific components of the facility. Renovation projects are more complex than first thought and...

Negotiation Tips How to Save $ With Vendors

Knowledge is power. Go into your vendor negotiations with these tips and tools in your back pocket.
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