Storyboard: Renovate the Data Center

Author(s): Darin Stahl, Melanie Davy

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33% of enterprises will be undertaking facility upgrades or refreshes in 2010 aimed at extending the life of their existing Data Centers. Every upgrade or refresh targeting specific components in the facility to address short-term pain will have significant impact on the data center environment as a whole. Planning upfront and establishing a clear project scope will minimize expensive changes in later years.

The process outlined in the Renovate the Data Center storyboard will help you to:

  • Identify and understand the complexity behind data center renovation projects.
  • Define and scope data center renovation projects for power, cooling, standby power, and fire protection.
  • Complete upfront planning and establish a clear budget for the project.
  • Select a qualified contractor to complete the data center renovation.

Use this step-by-step design, planning, and selection process to define a data center renovation plan to reduce cost and risk while supporting cost-effective long-term growth for power, cooling, standby power, and fire protection renovations.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Renovate the Data Center

Renovation projects are more complex than first thought.

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