Infrastructure & Operations - Research Notes

VVOLs, oh VVOLs, Wherefore art Thou VVOLs?

​VVOLs (pronounced Vee-Valls) were a hot topic in our doing the rounds of storage vendor conferences last year. Just about everybody had them on their roadmaps. We're...

How Many Phone Lines Do You Need?

Determining the number of phone lines required for a facility can be a daunting task for IT leaders that have recently taken on telecom responsibilities. Planners should...

The Goal of IT/Business Alignment: Why so Elusive?

Has the ideal of IT/business alignment become the holy grail of IT leaders? The promise of IT/business alignment is to focus investment and activities, increase the value...

Prepare for Infrastructure Consolidation Change

Server virtualization and consolidation has become a way of life for most infrastructure managers. The breakdown of physical barrier through virtualization and...

NetApp Buyer's Advice

NetApp is not a low-cost solution, but the value comes from reliability and good support. Negotiate on price, but don't overlook the minimum levels of training,...

Negotiate Favorable Telecom and Mobility Contracts

Avoid contract pitfalls and get a fair price on your telecom and mobility contracts.

Peer Survey Results Overview April 2011

Info-Tech recently conducted several surveys for our research projects. This document is a high level summary of those results and an introduction to the resulting research.

Understand IRR and NPV

The business side of the organization generally uses one of two financial metrics to determine the viability and, therefore, the attractiveness of an investment: Net...

Cisco Buyer's Advice

Understand Cisco's distribution model to optimize your spending and ensure you are getting the best deal.

Essentials for Mission Critical Operations

More businesses are finding that they require mission critical operations to support key applications. Mission critical means an application is operational when it is...
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