Audit Defense Maturity Assessment Tool

This template will examine the maturity of your current audit preparedness and software asset management practices.

Asset Security Policy

This template will assist your organization in developing an IT asset security policy.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind

Though the benefits are widely understood, many organizations don't have SOPs and those that do don't maintain them. Adopt an approach to drive process improvement,...
  • guided implementation icon

Infrastructure Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool

This tool evaluates new technologies for inclusion on the roadmap.

Evaluate Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Your Infrastructure Roadmap

The future is cloud(like) and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a big step in that direction. HCI extends server virtulization into storage and networking spheres;...

Evaluate Software-Defined Storage Solutions for Your Infrastructure Roadmap

Software-defined storage decouples storage hardware from storage management. Not just allocation but advanced features like deduplication, replication, and snapshots can...

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phases 1-3

Make SOPs work for you with visual documents that are easier to create and more effective for process management and optimization.

Standard Operating Procedures Project Roadmap Tool

Document and prioritize projects and initiatives that will meet gaps in current SOPs.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phase 2: Establish a Sustainable Documentation Process

This phase of the blueprint, Create Visual SOP Documents That Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind, will help you maintain SOP documentation.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phase 3: Identify a Content Management Solution

This phase of the blueprint, Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind, will help you publish and manage SOP documentation.
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