Level 1 Project Status Report Template

Use this template to create a concise project status report for small, low-risk projects.

Handover to Operations Template

The Handover to Operations Template is used to document all necessary steps to transfer project knowledge and technical documents. Use this template to document important...

Portfolio Monitoring Dashboard

This tool has been designed to record, display, and analyze a project portfolio containing up to 100 projects. It requires data from each project manager so that...

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise

Successful project intake doesn't require additional time, administrative overhead, or high PPM maturity. Build intake discipline one step at a time by adopting a...
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Level 2 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a project charter for medium-sized, moderate-risk projects.

Zero-Allocation Project Management Workbook

Developing a lean PM toolkit will free up PMs to focus on actually managing the project while still delivering accurate portfolio metrics.

Detailed Project Request Form

Use the Detailed Project Request Form if your intake processes require more friction.

Project Prioritization Process Template

This advanced guide is designed to assist in establishing and defining the project prioritization process. For organizations that warrant a formal process document, this...

IT Project Management Lite

If your organization designates people “project managers” but doesn’t allocate time to project management duties, you can use this blueprint to find the right balance of...
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Project Management SOP Template

The Project Management SOP Template is used to document your project management processes as you customize them to fit your organization's needs.
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