Governing IT - Templates & Policies

Employee Termination Process Checklist – IT Security Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Service Desk Standard Operating Procedure

This template is designed to help service managers kick-start the standardization of service desk processes.

Incident and Service Management Procedures – Service Desk Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Document Management Checklist

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Policy Management RACI Chart Template

Use the RACI chart in this tool to establish the roles responsible for tasks within your policy management function.

Policy Action Plan

This template helps you consolidate and assign responsibility for the action items that need to be completed to update your policy network.

Knowledgebase Article Template

An accurate and comprehensive record of the incident management process, including a description of the incident, any workarounds identified, the root cause (if...

Network Backup for Atlanta Data Center – Backups Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Standard Operating Procedures Workbook

Make SOPs work for you with visual documents that are easier to create and more effective for process management and optimization.

Policy Communication Plan Template

This template helps you plan your approach for publishing and communicating your policy updates across the entire organization.
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