Big Data Governance in the Connected Manufacturing World

Data governance in the world of big data needs to adapt to how the data is used and its lifecycle, not the other way around. If governance is imposed in a heavy-handed...

Take Charge of the IT Value Proposition

The face of the manufacturing industry is changing quickly with technology creating many new opportunities on the shop floor and across the entire supply chain. An...

Disrupting an Age-Old Industry

The profession of catching, processing, and selling fish has changed very little over its often-storied history. Hard work and luck have long been the key traits of...

Service Parity Across Segregated Networks

Utilities with high-risk, production-critical operational technology (OT) are increasingly managing process control systems (PCS) on networks that are physically...

The MRO Storeroom’s Road to Extinction

Manufacturing companies are constantly looking for ways to become more efficient and reduce costs. Often this means looking for new opportunities that would allow them to...

Safety First…and AI Has Got Your Back

Many assembly line workers fear that robots will eventually replace them. In truth, it is already happening, and it is a good thing. Back injuries alone cost US companies...

I, For One, Welcome Our Service Desk Overlords – AI in Manufacturing Service Management

Service management is becoming increasingly automated, and AI is being hailed as the next revolution in service support. Blending the two together will be the next...

Right-Size Your BCP for the Manufacturing Industry With a Customized Business Impact Analysis

Right-size your business continuity plan based (BCP) on your organization’s tolerance for downtime and data loss. This note provides industry-specific considerations to...

Employees Are the New Target for Hackers Looking to Steal IP from the Manufacturing Sector

Intellectual property theft in the manufacturing industry is a devastating reality all over the world. With organizations continuing to implement increasingly effective...

Seeing Is Believing: Advances in Automated Image Recognition

Humans are acknowledged as having exceptional visual abilities and associated cognitive skills which, until only recently, could outperform computers as their error rate...
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