Securing Health Information: Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is undergoing a security talent shortage. With the lack of human capital and lack of financial resources, a long-term, cost-effective strategy...

Problematic IT Processes for General Medical and Surgical Hospitals – Manage Service Catalog, Disaster Recovery Planning, and Security Strategy

Info-Tech’s IT Management & Governance Diagnostic provides industry-level insights on the challenges of IT departments. We use a concept known as “service gap” to compare...

Beware the Cloud Contract Trapdoor for Healthcare Applications

Cloud-based contracts usually contain terms and conditions that heavily favor the vendor. If not properly negotiated, these damaging contract clauses can place your...

Personal Health Information on the Blockchain: Rethinking the Electronic Health Record

Current electronic health record solutions are failing to keep pace with clinical need. Understand how blockchain can offer a potential solution, its implications for...

Apple Is Going to Take a Bite Out of the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare organizations that have not developed strategies to collaborate with large technology enterprises may find themselves at a disadvantage as new business...

Two Use Cases for Digital Twin Technology in Healthcare

Understand what a digital twin is, and the key benefits it affords. Find out how digital twin concepts are informing personalized medicine and revolutionizing...

The Road to ITSM AI: Develop an ITSM AI Strategy

ITSM AI is the application of artificial intelligence to service management. The technology promises to enhance IT operation with natural language processing and machine...

Data Classification for Healthcare: No, It Isn’t Always As Simple As It Should Be

Healthcare is at a major maturing point with the use and classification of data. It isn’t just about privacy, or even the protection of data. It is often a balancing act...

Once Cars Have Brains, We Might Run Out of Hearts – Autonomous Cars’ Impact on Organ Transplants

This note explores the impact that autonomous vehicles could have on organ donation.

Develop a Print Strategy to Improve Security and Reduce Costs

Print is often viewed as a utility, but it’s important enough that healthcare organizations should approach it strategically with dedicated printing solutions.
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