Maximize the Frontline Experience: The Human Side of Technology in Policing Storyboard

Retention and job satisfaction in policing are becoming a challenge due to less emphasis on improving the frontline experience using human-centered design. Integrating...

Meet the Canadian Provincial and Municipal Executive Services Leadership Team

Info-Tech’s dedicated Canadian Public Sector research and advisory services team’s ambition is to ensure that our members in the Canadian public sector receive...

Supporting Your Priorities Through Custom Key Initiative Planning

Have you ever been to the library and struggled to find the resources you need for a paper or project? What if you were assigned a personal librarian experienced in the...

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government

With increasing online and data usage, government databases are major targets for hackers and acts of cyber warfare. This research provides a deeper look into the...

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government Storyboard

This research serves state and provincial governments in enhancing an existing security strategy, meeting cyberinsurance requirements for an annual tabletop planning...

Preparing for Ontario’s Provincially Mandated Municipal Maturity Assessment

Ontario has announced that regional facilitators will assess the upper-tier municipalities of Durham, Halton, Niagara, Simcoe, Waterloo, and York. To our Ontario...

Build an IT Strategy for Local Government – Phases 1-4

This blueprint and associated tools will provide you with a step-by-step approach to achieve an IT strategy that is in sync with your organizational objectives and will...

Build an IT Strategy for Local Government

This blueprint and associated tools will provide you with a step-by-step approach to achieve an IT strategy that is in sync with your organizational objectives and will...
  • guided implementation icon

Local Government IT Strategy Presentation Template

This best-of-breed template helps you build a clear, concise, and compelling strategy document for local government stakeholders and senior government leadership.

Local Government Organizational Context Interview Guide

This interview guide provides questions to help elicit the organizational context and uncover the right information to build your IT strategy.
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