Merger & Acquisition Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

92% of IT professionals who achieve their merger and acquisition (M&A) goals create an M&A plan with specific timelines outlined for application, infrastructure, data,...

E-Discovery: What It Is and How It Affects IT

Electronic evidence is now a major deciding factor in court cases. Understand the mechanics of e-discovery prior to the acquisition or implementation of records...

New IT Leaders: Earning Credibility with Business Management

New IT leaders will have little influence unless they build credibility with senior business officers. Become a dynamic force that motivates and coordinates the...

New Leaders: Send a Message with an Executive IT Committee

Executive IT committees can take a lot of pressure off new or existing IT leaders by forcing business leaders to set IT investment priorities. Learn the lessons offered...

Include MS SQL Server 2008 in Consolidation Plans for Cost Reduction

There is a significant cost reduction opportunity in consolidating smaller SQL databases while upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Over time, smaller databases have...

North American Electronic Waste Laws

A number of legislative issues can pose a liability to organizations that fail to properly dispose of obsolete computers and other electronic equipment. Use this document...

Keys to a Successful Data Migration

To be successful, a data migration plan must account for data interdependencies and follow an iterative process that includes analyzing a data subset, developing...

No ROI? Make the Case for a Project without Tangible Benefits

Just because project benefits are not quantifiable does not mean that the project is not worth pursuing. Create a business case that concentrates on resolving a pressing...

Don't Make Me Document It

(By Info-Tech Analyst Howard Kiewe - Printed with permission from Processor magazine I hate paperwork, even if I'm doing it in electronic...

Is the ITIL Empire Overextended?

(By Info-Tech Analyst Refael Keren - Printed with permission from Processor magazine) History teaches us that great empires’ overreaching growth is often responsible...
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