New Leaders: Send a Message with an Executive IT Committee

Author(s): Jennifer Perrier

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IT is often put in the tough position of deciding which initiatives it should pursue in support of the business, and is frequently forced to act as a mediator between competing interests. The truth is that most IT projects are not about IT – they’re about the business. Other department leaders and key executive decision makers have to be in the loop if IT is going to strategically fit and functionally integrate itself successfully across the enterprise.

“One of the high things that I would fix on the governance structure is that there be some kind of a committee of senior executives who participate in setting investment priorities that are aligned with the strategic plan. You need an IT steering committee that allows the executives to arm wrestle the issues.

The IT manager should be the hero facilitator, rather than the person who took the burden upon themselves to make decisions on behalf of the organization. I’ve seen IT managers who see themselves in the hero role. Pretty soon, at least half the executive suite feels ignored and, more likely, downright unhappy that this decision was made without their input.”

– IT Consultant, Professional Services

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