Strategy & Governance

Idea Document

Use Info-Tech’s Idea Document Template to document new ideas in a format that be easily reviewed and assessed by the innovation team.

Prototype Assessment

Use the Prototype Assessment template to document the feedback collected from a single iteration of prototyping, and determine which feedback is vital for successive...

100-Day Plan Template

Create a 100-day plan as a new IT leader.

100-Day Plan SWOT Analysis Template

Learn the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that affect the department or organization.

Become a Strategic CIO – Phase 1: Launch

Before getting started on your personal development as CIO, ensure you are ready to become a strategic partner.

CIO Executive Business Stakeholder Interview Guide

Use this template as a guide for general executive business stakeholder interviews.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 2: Conduct Discovery and Design the Technology End-State

Kick-start the discovery of each IT domain in both organizations and design the resultant state.

IT Integration Roadmap Tool

Use the IT Integration Roadmap Tool to track key elements during the M&A discovery, integration planning, and execution phases.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phases 1-4

Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT during M&A integration. Use the steps in this blueprint to kick-start your IT integration effort.

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phase 3: Initiate Operational Imperatives and Quick-Wins

During discovery, identify operational imperatives and quick-wins to maintain business function while capturing synergies.
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