Strategy & Governance - Templates & Policies

Approach for the Design Program (Sample)

A sample artifact illustrating the approach for the design program in your organization. This also includes a roadmap for raising the design-centricity of the...

Application Strategy Action Plan Report Template

Capture the findings of your application strategy review in the action plan template. Draw out the key actions needed to make improvements.

Application Strategy Sample Action Plan Report

This example report provides guidance on how to capture findings from the application review process, providing key findings to support a more effective strategy

Venture Design and Go-to-Market Strategy

This sample deliverable provides a guide to designing and launching successful tech ventures. It includes a best practice approach to go-to-market strategy and market...

Release Management Standard Operating Procedure

The release and deployment standard operating procedure (SOP) should be used to establish and document a formal release and deployment management process at your...

End-User Offboarding Checklist

Use this tool to help you centralize and track offboarding process by employee. Modify it with the information that is specific to your organization.

Service Management Roadmap Project Charter

This project charter helps you document the initiative stakeholders, project team members, communication plan, and project status.

Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

This template contains several exercise templates to help you build a compelling service management roadmap and communication slide.

Smart Contracts Executive Buy-in Presentation Template

This template will help you create an executive buy-in presentation based on the blueprint, Develop a Use Case for Smart Contracts.

Smart Contracts Use-Case Template

This template will help you build your customized smart contract use case. Follow instructions in the blueprint Develop a Use Case for Smart Contracts to complete this...
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