Strategy & Governance - Templates & Policies

IT Steering Committee Charter

Use this template to create an IT steering committee charter.

Information Technology Standards Policy

The IT standards policy organizes standards by technology category, distinguishes standards from preferred products, and documents products or policy standards that...

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Non-disclosure agreements (also known as confidentiality agreements) prohibit the communication of certain non-public business information by individuals. Use this...

Desktop Move/Add/Change Policy

The desktop move/add/change policy provides guidelines for end users to request a move, add, or change to their desktop computing environments.

Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.

IT Peer Advisory Committee Charter

Ongoing IT input provided through committees can provide continuous feedback to stakeholders who might not otherwise solicit IT's advice in decision-making.

North American Electronic Waste Laws

A number of legislative issues can pose a liability to organizations that fail to properly dispose of obsolete computers and other electronic equipment. Use this document...

EMR Document Imaging Worksheet

Healthcare organizations looking to implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) technologies should begin with document imaging. Organize a high level strategy for...

Problem Management SOP

Use this template to record the key details required for effective problem management – both proactive and reactive. Outline a problem management workflow, record the...

Service Catalog Standard Operating Procedure

This template is designed to guide the process of creating the service catalog as well as help to streamline future additions of services to the service catalog. It will...
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