Strategy & Governance - Templates & Policies

IT PMO Committee Charter

This is a base charter template for a project management committee.

IT Risk Committee Charter for Controlled Governance

This is a base charter template for an IT risk management committee.

IT Steering Committee Charter for Controlled Governance

This is a base charter template for an IT steering committee.

Program Governance Committee Charter

This is a base charter template for an IT program.

Architecture Review Board Charter

This is a base charter template for an architecture review board.

Data Governance Committee Charter

This is a base charter template for a data governance committee.

Digital Governance Committee Charter

This is a base charter template for a digital governance committee.

Innovation Program Mandate and Terms of Reference Template

This template will help you to set realistic goals for your innovation program and provide you with a document to go back to in order to ensure consistency in mission for...

Problem Management SOP

Use this template to record the key details required for effective problem management – both proactive and reactive. Outline a problem management workflow, record the...

IT Organizational Redesign Pulse Survey Template

Use this template as a guide when surveying employees during the transition state of IT organizational redesign.
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