Chata.AI Case Study: AI for Self-Serve Analytics

How AI is used for self-serve analytics using NLP.

Build Your AI Strategic Roadmap

Develop a business-driven AI strategy to maximize benefits and minimize the risks associated with AI-based solutions. Understand the potential opportunities to improve...
  • guided implementation icon

Build Your AI Strategy Roadmap Storyboard

Develop your AI strategy and roadmap to maximize return and mitigate risks with your business-aligned AI investments.

AI Initiatives Prioritization and Roadmap Planning Tool

Transform your use cases to prioritize AI initiatives and plan your roadmap.

AI Maturity Assessment Tool

Use the AI Maturity Assessment Tool to identify the current AI maturity of your organization.

ContractPodAi Case Study: AI for Contract Lifecycle Management

How AI is used in contract lifecycle management by in-house legal teams.

AI Transformation Brief – March 2024

This month's brief highlights recent news from major LLM providers, including OpenAI, Google, AWS, Anthropic, and Mistral.

Wisy Case Study: AI for Image Recognition

How AI is used in image recognition for Retail.

Work With AI Vendors to Get Ahead, or Sit Back and Watch Someone Else Dictate Your AI Transformation

Exploit the constantly evolving AI vendor marketplace to fast-track your AI adoption. Partnering with niche AI vendors should be an important part of your overall AI...

Codeium Case Study: AI for Code Generation and Completion

How AI is used for code generation and completion by software developers.
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