CIO - Templates & Policies

HR Action and Communication Plan

​Prepare a comprehensive action plan to keep the project on track and launch the recognition program.

Virtual Onboarding Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore adapted onboarding initiatives that could be included in a virtual onboarding program.

Virtual Onboarding Guide for HR

Use this guide to document key responsibilities for HR during virtual onboarding.

Virtual Onboarding Guide for Managers

Use this guide to document key responsibilities for managers during virtual onboarding.

Virtual Onboarding Schedule

Use this template to map out a schedule for new hires.

Pandemic Layoffs – A Toolset and Methodology to Help Make Difficult Layoff Decisions

The COVID-19 virus has resulted in unprecedented economic and workplace impacts across the world. Be prepared to navigate hard decisions surrounding layoffs by...

End-User Offboarding Checklist

Use this tool to help you centralize and track offboarding process by employee. Modify it with the information that is specific to your organization.

Emergency Work-From-Home (WFH) Policy

Use this customizable policy template to set guidelines and the scope of the emergency WFH plan.

Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

Performance management during an emergency work-from-home (WFH) protocol may be a challenge for managers that are not used to leading a remote team. Help managers adjust...

Crisis Communication Guides

Use these guides to create company communications that are calm and transparent and reinforce the business continuity plan.
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