Marketing Solutions - Templates & Policies

E-Mail TCO Worksheet

The “E-Mail TCO Worksheet” helps IT leaders peer into existing e-mail infrastructure and provisioning costs. IT leaders will gather expense information for 19 specific...

Social CRM Project Charter

A social media project is a multi-departmental undertaking that must be managed well to be successful. Document the process in a formal project charter to keep everyone...

Social Media Steering Committee Charter Template

Establishing a Social Media Steering Committee is an important component of the implementation of a social media strategy. This charter outlines its purpose, agenda,...

Vendor Response Template

Use the template to receive proposals that reflect the problem at hand. Request an appropriate level of detail for your specific procurement.

Digital Marketing Communication Deck

Use this communication deck to educate IT and Marketing stakeholders on the generic value of digital marketing channels. Get everyone on the same level and establish a...

Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.

Software Acquisition and Usage Policy

Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.

WEM Project Charter Template

A project charter serves several important functions. It organizes the selection and procurement project so that you can make efficient and effective resource allocation...

Web Experience Management Strategy Summary Template

The strategy summary encompasses all activities and delivers an overview of what the strategy will look like in a presentable fashion. Create a defined strategy by...

CRM Vendor Demo Script

Use this template to support your business's evaluation of vendors and their solutions. Provide vendors with scenarios that prompt them to display not only their...
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