Requirements & Design - Templates & Policies

AI in Requirements Management Executive Communication Template

A practical template for communicating the value of your requirements management AI use cases to your executives.

Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

An executive communication slide deck to demonstrate the value of enterprise business analysis in your organization.

Design Roadmap Workbook

Use this template as a guide to articulate what is required to plan for a great user experience practice.

User Experience Practice Roadmap

Communicate your well-thought-out design practice with this roadmap.

Web APIs High-Level Design Requirements Template

This design requirements template is meant to describe the necessary business, functional, and non-functional requirements of your web APIs.

Target State Maintenance Workflow

Build out a complete business process diagram for your current application maintenance process.

Application Maintenance Change Management Board Charter

Use this template to organize the project so that you can make effective resource allocation decisions, lay the foundation for all subsequent changes to project planning,...

Application Maintenance Communication Plan

Construct a formal communication plan to engage stakeholders through structured channels.

Application Maintenance Visual SOP Intake Template

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is an essential component in making sure all operational stakeholders execute a consistent process for application maintenance estimation.

Application Maintenance Stage Gate Assessment

This stage gate checklist allows the IT department to determine if it is ready to take on the task of improving its application maintenance processes.
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