Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they move back into the office. Once the office...
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Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal”

Many of the organizational changes wrought by COVID-19 are here to stay: enact a plan to adapt to them successfully.

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t your usual crisis – it has an indeterminate duration and a global scope. In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)...
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Execute an Emergency Remote Work Plan

This blueprint offers guidance, tools, and templates to ensure that if an emergency hits your organization, forcing your employees to work remotely, you can effectively...

Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many businesses to start operating remotely, security is often the first to suffer. Start a training program for employees on how to...

Develop a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan

COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic. IT departments must do their part to develop a pandemic response plan.

Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake

Adopt a continual service improvement mindset and make gradual changes to ticket intake. Focusing on a small number of improvements each quarter will allow you to...
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M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations

Infrastructure and Operations is crucial to the success of any IT integration for a significant merger or acquisition, yet it is often left to a last-minute scramble....
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10 Secrets for Successful Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

Disaster recovery (DR) is a great use case for kick starting your cloud adoption efforts. Cloud DR can also help you to optimize the on-demand pricing model by storing...
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