Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phases 1-3

Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 1: Scope the Pilot Project

Identify the benefits of an SLA. Identify the pilot project. Create the pilot project charter.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 2: Determine Current Service Levels

Document current IT operational procedures. Identify the metrics to track.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 3: Set Target Service Levels and Create the SLA

Validate your current state. Develop a project roadmap. Create the internal SLA.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phase 2: Establish a Sustainable Documentation Process

This phase of the blueprint, Create Visual SOP Documents That Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind, will help you maintain SOP documentation.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phase 3: Identify a Content Management Solution

This phase of the blueprint, Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind, will help you publish and manage SOP documentation.

Create Visual SOP Documents that Drive Process Optimization, Not Just Peace of Mind – Phases 1-3

Make SOPs work for you with visual documents that are easier to create and more effective for process management and optimization.

Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook – Phase 1: Define and Prioritize Infrastructure Services

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook, will help you define and prioritize infrastructure services.

Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you design infrastructure service workflows, build the infrastructure services playbook, identify service costs, and build the service rate sheet.

Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook – Phase 2: Build Workflows and an Infrastructure Services Playbook

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook, will help you build workflows and an infrastructure services playbook.
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