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Webinar - Recruit and Retain People of Color in IT Organizations

Many companies realize the benefits of diversity but don’t know how to recruit AND retain the best diverse talent. Organizations that are diverse are better able to innovate, be creative, and connect with their audiences. However, IT organizational culture is often at odds with diversity or just doesn't encourage many talented professionals to join or stay. The challenge is in how to best elicit the different thoughts, backgrounds, and opinions that ethnically diverse talent can bring.

Often organizations focus on gender diversity, and while this does improve company performance, ethnic diversity has an even larger impact on business outcomes. Diversity is not just a "do good" thing – it supports your company's bottom line.

Join us in this webinar to discuss:

  • Why diversity matters.
  • How to attract talent from ethnically diverse groups.
  • How to make sure the talent you attract wants to stay with you.
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