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Webinar: Info-Tech Agenda – Help Us Shape Our Technology Research for 2021

If you’re looking for the latest, best research that directly targets your most obvious pain points, we’ve got a webinar for you!

We want YOU to tell US what your most pressing issues are and how we should shape our research to better meet your needs. Don’t miss your best opportunity to let us know what you are looking for in Info-Tech’s upcoming research.

Join our special webinar to shape our roadmap through the top 10 topics we’ll be focusing on over the next few months, including:

  • Promote Security and Privacy Culture Across the Organization
  • Improving Defense With Practical Cyberthreat Modeling
  • Forecasting the Benefits of Your New Project
  • Developing the Right IT Operating Model
  • An Enterprise Guide to Microsoft 365 Operations and Governance
  • Cross-Industry Comparative IT Benchmarks
  • 10 Trends That Will Change Your Service Desk Forever
  • Building a Data Roadmap
  • Reducing the Risk of Agile Development Contracts
  • Looking Ahead to 2021 Tech Trends – and How You Can, and Must, Capitalize on Them

Featured Speakers

Mark Tauschek

Vice President, Research Fellowships & Distinguished Analyst
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Gord Harrison

Chief Research Officer
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Dave Wallace

Executive Counselor
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Jack Hakimian

Senior Vice President, Workshops and Advisory Services
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Rick Pittman

VP, Call Quality and Delivery
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