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Webinar - Explore the Secrets of Workday Licensing

In today’s world of the SaaS mega-vendor, companies are large and powerful enough to create their own business models and impose them upon their customer base. Workday has emerged as the next mega-vendor, taking the #1 market share title in the HCM space while aggressively pursuing the rest of the back office ERP market in the areas of Finance, Planning, and Procurement. Once Workday convinces your C-suite to go with its solution, technology buyers must be armed with the process knowledge and data to negotiate a superior contractual outcome.

During this discussion we will explore how to:

  • Evaluate Workday’s market position, areas of future growth, and overall business model.
  • Review Workday’s key products – core and growth areas of focus.
  • Understand the key license metric employed in Workday agreements – FSE counts.
  • Identify key commercial terms to negotiate in your Workday contract.
  • Review a structured negotiation approach to confront Workday.
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