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Vendor Landscape: Hotel Property Management Systems

Is your HPMS filling your beds or losing you cred?

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  • Every hotel needs a Hotel Property Management System (HPMS), but there are hundreds of vendors in the market to choose from. Because clients are presented with so many options, they avoid deciding among vendors by simply selecting what is popular. While this results in a working solution, it may not be the right solution for the business requirements both now and in the future.
  • When hotels do try to filter through the different offerings, their efforts are hampered by misleading marketing and lack of publicly available information.
  • Once a solution has been chosen, switching to another is extremely costly and time consuming. Ensure you make the right decision the first time to avoid wasted costs and resources.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The critical feature in a property management system is integration. Hotels rarely just rent rooms these days – they also manage restaurants, shops, spas, casinos, and many other amenities. Each of these parallel businesses needs its own management system, and that system needs to integrate fully with the HPMS. Hotels want a complete view of the business and the ability to profile guests, which require solid integration. Vendors with large, proven integration libraries that also offer custom integration will be the ones that earn and keep market share.
  • Mobile is making its mark on the hospitality industry as more and more guests use their mobile devices to select and book hotels. As this preference grows, guests will demand increased functionality. Guests are already expecting to check in and out with mobile devices, and soon they will begin to expect to control everything through a mobile device, from key access, to service booking, and even room temperature.

Impact and Result

  • Understand what’s new in HPMS offerings, where the market evolved from, and where it is going.
  • Evaluate differentiators between the major players in order to develop a criteria list that meets the unique build of your hotel.
  • Use Info-Tech's Vendor Landscape to compare the major HPMS solutions available and prepare a vendor shortlist, saving time and money in the selection process.

Vendor Landscape: Hotel Property Management Systems Research & Tools

1. Understand the market for Hotel Property Management Systems

Choose the vendor that best suits the business needs.

2. Narrow down a list of HPMS vendors

Create a shortlist of vendor candidates.

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Vendor Landscape: Hotel Property Management Systems preview picture

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