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Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management

Pave the way for exponential technologies with agile financial practices

Old-fashioned and bureaucratic financial practices impede new technology investment decisions, resulting in missed opportunities and overspend for organizations. Our comprehensive blueprint guides you out of the past and toward Exponential IT with clear steps to building an agile and future-ready IT financial practice.

To match the pace of a highly dynamic future that we call Exponential IT, many organizations will need to re-invent their IT financial management (ITFM) approach so that it can operate with the agility and flexibility required to invest in new technologies and emerging opportunities as they arise.

1. To keep up with your tech needs, make agility your goal.

Have a clear end-state in mind that reflects the goal of agility and effectiveness. This end state will shape your design and the iterative evolution of how you handle IT financial operations.

2. All of IT should align for the financial system to work.

Your IT financial management system should align closely with all IT management functions to build an ITFM system that works for the organization.

3. You can’t fix the IT finance process without first fixing the finance process.

Put the horse before the cart. If you don’t have a cross-functional and organizational view, you won’t be able to build a cohesive finance model because financial management spans the entire organization. IT must look beyond its own borders to effect meaningful change that will have a downstream positive impact on IT’s ability to make the organization future ready.

4. Build trust before you build a process.

Collaboration with the Finance and Procurement functions in your organization will be instrumental to your success. Lead with empathy, communication, and trust to build relationships and IT’s credibility on the organizational stage.

Set up ITFM to get the right technology at the speed you need it using our blueprint

Build future-ready adaptability into your organization’s practice of IT financial management with our step-by-step methodology, templates, and tools:

  • Understand the context within which ITFM operates to identify constraints, opportunities, scope of work and objectives.
  • Identify and define the elements that make IT financial investment and management possible, including required capabilities, processes, competencies, tools, and governance controls.
  • Design and implement a formal system that’s agile and responsive to changing priorities, conditions, and opportunities and can be evolved over time as your organization evolves.
  • Collaborate with Finance and Procurement to improve their integration, agility, and analytic capability through automation and analytical tools in order to optimize financial management agility organization wide.

Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management Research & Tools

1. Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management Storyboard – Drive agility in your organization’s practice of IT financial management for today’s dynamic technology landscape.

IT leaders must respond quickly to take advantage of emerging opportunities, yet the practice of IT financial management in most organizations is not executed with the agility or confidence required to operate effectively in an Exponential IT world. Use this step-by-step guide to:

  • Understand the context within which IT financial management is operating today and establish agility-focused design principles and objectives.
  • Mature IT’s capabilities by aligning and evolving its own system for managing IT financials with an eye to built-in agility.
  • Collaborate with core finance and procurement functions to improve their integration, agility, and analytic capability through automation and analytical tools.

Modernize your organization’s practice of IT financial management to ensure the right technologies are available for the right people at the right time at the right cost.

2. IT Financial Management System Design Workbook – Document the outcomes of your IT financial management system design effort.

Designing an IT financial management system with agility at its core requires systematic examination and definition of a range of coordinating components. Use this Excel workbook to document the outcomes of your IT financial management system design effort, including:

  • Current state assessment
  • Principles and objectives
  • Capabilities and processes
  • Competencies and source
  • Implementation initiatives and timeline-based plan

Leverage the documentation in this workbook to build a presentation that showcases your final management system design.

3. IT Financial Management System Presentation Template – Build a presentation about your proposed IT financial management system design to communicate and share with executives.

Executive presentations are critical communications tools, especially when sharing a big idea like a proposed IT financial management system. Use this PowerPoint template and sample to pull together a cohesive presentation about your design. Elements include:

  • An explanation of why you’ve undertaken this effort.
  • An overview of your current state findings.
  • Description of your overall IT financial management system design and its components.
  • A list of specific initiatives to put your new system in place.

Revisit your final document periodically to update your design as your IT financial management system evolves.

4. Tech-Enabled Initiatives for Core Finance/Procurement Functions Workbook – Document and timeline potential initiatives for improving and expanding core finance and procurement capabilities and processes.

Use this Excel tool to document IT’s collaborative initiatives with the leaders of your organization’s finance and procurement functions to improve their data quality, integration, and process efficiency.

Workshop: Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Define IT financial management context and objectives

The Purpose

Lay a foundation for developing an agile IT financial management system by understand your current context and setting design targets.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the real constraints and opportunities presented by your current operating environment to making your practice of IT financial management more agile.




Understand ITFM in an Exponential IT context.


Assess the practice of financial management in your organization.

  • Financial management practice assessment results.

Assess ITFM’s relationship with other IT management functions.

  • ITFM/IT management function alignment and integration assessment results.

Draft IT financial management system design principles and objectives.

  • A list of IT financial management system design principles and objectives.

Module 2: Define IT financial management system components

The Purpose

Learn about and define the components that make up an agile IT financial management system.

Key Benefits Achieved

Identify the pieces that define IT financial management practice and how they relate and coordinate with one another to make your practice either more or less agile.




Identify processes and capabilities.

  • Defined IT financial management processes and capabilities they support.

Map decision rights and authorities.

  • Defined points of ITFM decision rights, authorities, and policy.

Define required competencies.

  • Defined ITFM competencies.

Set sourcing strategy.

  • Defined ITFM sourcing strategy.

Module 3: Finalize IT financial management system design and plan

The Purpose

Pull your proposed IT financial management system design and implementation steps into a consolidated presentation.

Key Benefits Achieved

Have a document that clearly expresses IT's vision for an improved approach to IT financial management and decision making that will make sense to your CFO.




Map IT financial management workflows to create a system.


Test and finalize system design.


Identify and prioritize system implementation initiatives.


Draft IT financial management system design presentation.

  • Final IT financial management system design and presentation.

Module 4: Identify tech-enablement initiatives for core finance/procurement

The Purpose

Leverage technology to align, integrate, and improve finance and procurement processes in your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

Initiate a collaborative, integrated, one-team approach to financial practice and decision making in your organization.




Identify tech-enabled initiatives for core finance and procurement functions.


Draft a tech-enablement plan for core finance and procurement functions.

  • A tech-enablement plan for core finance and procurement functions. 

Assess impact of proposed initiatives on the IT financial management system.

  • A list of future updates for the IT financial management system.

Module 5: Next steps and wrap-up

The Purpose

Ensure all workshop deliverables are complete and identify next steps in the IT financial management and Exponential IT journeys.

Key Benefits Achieved

Have completed deliverables in hand and a clear vision for what needs to be done on the IT financial management front to enable an Exponential IT future.




Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.


Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.

  • A list of next steps.

Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management

Drive an Exponential IT future for technology spend and investment.

Analyst perspective

To be truly agile, you need a well-designed and rock-solid foundation that everyone can rely on.

The most elegant things in life are never simple behind the scenes – they’re often carefully and thoughtfully designed to be that way, and just as often have evolved from some pretty clunky and awkward predecessors. The same can be said of your approach to IT financial management.

The way IT financial management is commonly practiced in many organizations is ad hoc and opaque, leaving IT and other decision-makers unable to quickly and appropriately respond to changing conditions and emerging opportunities. To keep pace with a highly dynamic future that Info-Tech calls Exponential IT, most organizations will need to reinvent their approach to IT financial management so that it can operate with agility and confidence.

Enabling your organization for this future means recrafting the system of IT financial management to be responsive and adaptable, and bringing all financial process owners and their interests together to collaboratively evolve financial management practice organization-wide. Start your Exponential IT journey now.

Photo of Jennifer Perrier, Principal Research Director, CIO Practice, Info-Tech Research Group.

Jennifer Perrier
Principal Research Director, CIO Practice
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive summary

Your Challenge

  • IT leaders need to be able to respond quickly to changes in the technology landscape and accelerate realization of organizational strategies.
  • Unfortunately, most finance and procurement functions within IT and across the organization as a whole are not capable of being executed with the confidence or agility needed to get and stay ahead of emerging opportunities.
  • Not only are opportunities being missed, but waste and overspend are being created as well.

Common obstacle

  • IT is only one of many players when it comes to how technology funds are spent. One unskilled, unenlightened, or uncooperative actor can undermine efforts to improve IT financial management.
  • Organizational finance and procurement functions tend to be siloed and mired in manual, unoptimized processes, limiting what IT can do to improve.
  • Industry-specific regulatory constraints combined with unease around innovation throw speed bumps and roadblocks in IT’s path toward transformation.

Info-Tech’s Approach

Enable your organization’s practice of IT financial management to be agile.

  • Understand the context within which IT financial management is operating today and establish agility-focused design principles and objectives.
  • Mature IT’s capabilities by aligning and evolving its system for managing IT financials with an eye to built-in agility.
  • Collaborate with core finance and procurement functions to improve their integration, agility, and analytic capability through automation and analytical tools.

Info-Tech Insight

Slow, bureaucratic, low-trust IT financial practices can crush an organization’s ability to respond and innovate. To succeed with Exponential IT, organizations need the flexibility to invest in new, high-value capabilities as they arise. A foundational step for Exponential IT is the modernization of IT financial practice hallmarked by CIO-CFO partnership, automated and optimized financial management processes, and a more flexible approach to IT funding

Introduction: What is Exponential IT?

  • The technology curve has recently bent exponentially.
  • Generative AI has been the catalyst for this sudden shift, but there are more and more new technologies emerging (e.g. quantum computing, 5G), putting significant pressure on all organizations.
  • All IT leaders and organizations are at risk of falling behind if they do not adopt new technologies fast enough.
  • Exponential IT is a framework defined by Info-Tech Research Group to instruct IT leaders across all IT domains on how to transform their organization and elevate their value creation capabilities, to close the gap between the exponential progression of technological change and the linear progression of IT’s ability to successfully manage that change.
  • This blueprint provides guidance on establishing an agile IT financial management system by aligning, standardizing, and evolving a more dynamic and coordinated approach to financial management practices.
  • CIOs/delegates can use this blueprint to partner with the leaders in their organization’s core finance and procurement functions to enable an Exponential IT future for technology spend and investment.

Infographic titled 'Exponential IT - Lean into the curve', 'Info-Tech's strategic and actionable principles to enable IT leaders to extract the value from accelerating technology advancements.' On the left side is a timeline of paradigm shifts in IT with a graph noting 'Generative AI' as the flashpoint for 'Exponetial IT Trajectory'. On the right is a list of principles, 'Lean into the Curve by Applying Exponential IT Principles'.

Infographic titled 'Exponential IT in MOTION', 'Accelerate value creation by transforming the organization through exponential technologies'. 'Organizations are adopting exponential technologies at an accelerated rate, with or without IT. IT must adopt an Exponential IT mindset and define its own transformation journey to not only adapt and thrive in a new technological landscape but also evolve into true organizational leaders.' Then the roadmap graphic section titled 'Plan Your Exponential IT Journey', 'Redirect your current linear IT trajectory to shift the role of IT from trusted operator to organizational leader'. Roadmap subsections 'Exponential IT Transformation Framework', 'Inform Your Decisions - Gather relevant content', 'Streams - Determine focus areas', 'Work Packages - Prioritize your efforts', and finally 'Value Outcomes'. 'To lead transformation for the organization, IT must first transform itself.'

Your Exponential IT journey

To keep pace with the exponential technology curve, adopt an Exponential IT mindset and practices. Assess your organization’s readiness, and embark on a transformation journey.

Graphic of a road with five distances marked: 'Adopt an Exponential IT Mindset', 'Explore the Art of the Possible', 'Gauge Your Organizational Readiness (Repeat annually)', 'Build an Exponential Roadmap (Repeat annually)', and 'Embark on Your Exponential IT Journey (Focus of this blueprint)'.

Adopt an Exponential IT Mindset

Info-Tech resources: Exponential IT Research Center, Research Center Overview, and Keynote

Explore the Art of the Possible

Info-Tech resources: Exponential IT research blueprints for nine IT domains

Gauge Your Organizational Readiness

Info-Tech resource: Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic

Build an Exponential IT Roadmap

Info-Tech resource: Develop an Exponential IT Roadmap blueprint

Embark on Your Exponential IT Journey

Info-Tech resources: Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management

To access all Exponential IT research, visit the Exponential IT Research Center - Go to this link

The state of Exponential IT is characterized by the following attributes

These attributes develop at different speeds – this means that reaching a state of Exponential IT is usually not a near-term objective.

However, when you’ve reached that state, what you’ll see is all these characteristics working together in a coordinated way that allows your organization to bring the right technologies to the right people at the right time.

  • Integrated: Organizational functions partner and share data, information, and decision-making with other functions in the organization.
  • Consistent: Policies, processes, and procedures are standardized across the organization, including supporting tools.
  • Straightforward: Processes/procedures are clearly defined, simplified where possible, and usable.
  • Comprehensive: All use cases have been identified, are in place, and supporting processes defined and exercised.
  • Transparent: Data and information is complete, clean, classified, organized, and accessible.
  • Adaptable: Processes can be updated, changed, and evolved to keep pace with changes in legislation, regulation, business conditions, or other needs.
  • Dynamic: Processes like reporting can be executed accurately in real-time and on-demand.
  • Future-oriented: Practices focus as much on planning for the future as on tracking of (and learning from) the past.
  • Meaningful: The importance and purpose of activities are understood, align with and advance organizational objectives; and are treated as a worthwhile investment of time and resources.

Exponential IT isn’t a project. It isn’t a concrete thing that you can look at or touch. Rather, it’s a paradigm, an approach, a state of mind that evolves and is rooted in thoughtful and well-designed practices.

Apply Exponential IT to financial management

The journey from one end of the scale to the other is marked by a series of scenario-based milestones.

See the Info-Tech tool IT Financial Management System Design Workbook for full descriptions of these milestones.

The degree to which…



The degree to which…

…the core finance function partners and shares information and decision-making with other functions in the organization. Siloed Arrow pointing right. Integrated
Random Arrow pointing right. Consistent …financial management policies, processes, and procedures are standardized across the organization, including supporting tools.
…financial management processes are clearly defined and usable. Confusing Arrow pointing right. Straightforward
Opaque Arrow pointing right. Transparent …financial data and information is clean, organized, and accessible.
…all financial use cases have been identified, are in place, and supporting processes defined and exercised. Limited Arrow pointing right. Comprehensive
Rigid Arrow pointing right. Adaptable …financial management processes can be updated or evolved to keep pace with changes in legislation, regulation, conditions, or needs.
…financial management processes can be executed accurately in real-time and on-demand. Static Arrow pointing right. Dynamic
Retrospective Arrow pointing right. Future-oriented …financial management practice is focused on planning for the future (financial management) versus tracking of the past (accounting).
…financial management activities are understood; align with organizational objectives; and are seen as a good investment of time and resources. Pointless Arrow pointing right. Meaningful

However, recognize that there will be challenges…

Many struggle to exist in an Exponential IT world.

Unfortunately, most IT departments and the organizations within which they exist do not have sufficiently mature financial and procurement management practices to operate effectively in an Exponential IT world. This is caused by:

  • A lack of knowledge and expertise on the part of both IT and finance/procurement about each other’s disciplines.
  • A lack of interdepartmental integration, data sharing, and cooperation between IT, finance, and procurement.
  • Significant gaps in the type and quality of data being used to track technology expenditure and make technology investment decisions.
  • A lack of governance mechanisms and tools to help prioritize, schedule, organize, and notify primary actors, partners, and collaborators around IT financial activities.
  • A tendency to take a historical or reactive stance to financial and procurement issues (accounting) instead of a future-looking, proactive one (financial management).

As a result, not only are opportunities being missed to advance business strategies and transform the organization, but waste and overspend are being created as well.

Pave the way for exponential technologies with agile financial practices

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

You Get:

  • Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management Storyboard
  • IT Financial Management System Design Workbook
  • IT Financial Management System Presentation
  • Tech-Enabled Initiatives for Core Finance/Procurement Functions Workbook

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 5-phase advisory process. You'll receive 13 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

Guided Implementation 1: Understand Your ITFM Context and Objectives
  • Call 1: Assess your current financial management context.
  • Call 2: Identify adaptable ITFM system design principles and objectives.

Guided Implementation 2: Define Your ITFM System Components
  • Call 1: Identify ITFM processes and capabilities.
  • Call 2: Identify ITFM decision rights and authorities.
  • Call 3: Identify ITFM competencies and sourcing strategy.

Guided Implementation 3: Finalize and Launch Your ITFM System
  • Call 1: Map ITFM workflows to create a system.
  • Call 2: Test and finalize the ITFM system.
  • Call 3: Identify implementation initiatives.
  • Call 4: Prepare your final system design presentation.

Guided Implementation 4: Tech-Enable Core Finance/ Procurement
  • Call 1: Identify finance/ procurement function tech-enablement initiatives.
  • Call 2: Craft a finance and procurement tech-enablement plan.
  • Call 3: Assess implications for the ITFM system.

Guided Implementation 5: Next Steps
  • Call 1: Summarize results and plan next steps.


Jennifer Perrier


  • Carol Carr, CFO, Soroc Technology
  • Scott Fairholm, Executive Counselor, Global Services, Info-Tech Research Group
  • Mark Hoeting, Senior Executive Counselor, Global Services, Info-Tech Research Group
  • Benoit Proulx, Principal Advisory Director, Research Call Quality & Delivery, Info-Tech Research Group
  • Tony Tardugno, Executive Counselor, Global Services, Info-Tech Research Group
  • Steve Willis, Practice Lead, Research Development, Info-Tech Research Group
Visit our Exponential IT Research Center
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