Simplify Identity and Access Management – Phases 1-4

Author(s): Ian Mulholland, Sean Thurston

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Assigning the right amount of access to the right people is a difficult task, as it requires balancing user experience with security. Implementing a role-based access control (RBAC) model offers a way to assign access in a defensible and risk-aware manner. This blueprint will help you achieve a successful implementation of RBAC using our four-phase methodology:

  • Prepare
  • Restructure
  • Maintain
  • Transition

While it may feel as though you have lost control of your identity and access management practices, working with Info-Tech to implement an RBAC model will bring order to the chaos.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Simplify Identity and Access Management

Leverage risk- and role-based access control to quantify and simplify the IAM process.

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