Identify and Manage Reputational Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must diligently assess and protect their reputations, both in the market and internally.

Oracle Business Update – Summer 2022

Market update on Oracle’s Q4 performance plus business updates on Oracle’s cloud performance and Cerner acquisition.

Strategic Risk Impact Tool

Use this tool to help identify and quantify the strategic impacts of negative vendor actions.

Identify and Manage Strategic Risk Impacts on Your Organization Storyboard

Use this research to better understand the negative impacts of vendor actions on your strategic plans.

Identify and Manage Strategic Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must evolve their strategic risk assessments to be more adaptive to respond to global changes in the market. Ongoing monitoring of the market and the...

Huawei and Canada’s Recent 5G Ban: Your Supply Chain Could Still Be at Risk

This technology brief will describe Huawei’s history and its current technology focus, possible cause for concerns based on multiple allegations, and finally how use of...

The Secrets to a Successful Workday Negotiation

Learn how to successfully negotiate your Workday agreement in four key areas.

AWS Expands Efforts on Industry Cloud

Yesterday you ran sub-four-minute miles with common cloud solutions. Today, with the emergence of industry-specific cloud offerings, you could be 1.4 seconds faster...

Identify and Manage Financial Risk Impacts on Your Organization Storyboard

Use this research to better understand the negative financial impacts of vendor actions.

Identify and Manage Financial Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Vendors’ failure to perform, including security and compliance violations, can have significant financial consequences. Good vendor management practices help...
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