Beware of Free Software Licensing Help From Software Vendors

Software vendors’ offers of licensing help or free SAM engagements may not be what they seem to be. Responding immediately out of fear or haste, without adequate...

Key Considerations When Renewing Your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

Given that the cost involved with an EA is significant, organizations need to carefully evaluate their options prior to renewal time so that they make the right decision....

Endpoint Protection Request for Proposal

A request for proposal is a formal invitation issued by a business or agency requesting interested vendors to submit written proposals meeting a particular set of...

Endpoint Protection Vendor Demo Script

This template is designed to provide EPP vendors with a consistent set of instructions, ensuring an objective comparison of product features, all while evaluating ease of...

Don’t Let IBM’s Licensing Rules Squander Virtualization ROI

Organizations that have deployed IBM software in a virtualized infrastructure setting must comply with a variety of complex licensing rules, the most important of which...

Indirect Access of SAP Systems May Cost You Millions

A recent UK court ruling in favor of SAP v. Diageo, a global drinks company, may broadly define the rules of indirect access of SAP software. Indirect access of SAP...

Vendor Scorecard

Assess vendors regularly with useful metrics to optimize your vendor portfolio.

Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

Establish a single point of contact and create a communication vacuum to help leverage your negotiation position.

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk

CIOs are faced with increasing pressure to successfully deliver IT projects that meet business needs on time and within budget while depending on many new and unproven...
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Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the importance of proactive vendor risk management.
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