Templates & Policies

IT Peer Advisory Committee Charter

Ongoing IT input provided through committees can provide continuous feedback to stakeholders who might not otherwise solicit IT's advice in decision-making.

Data Center Relocation Project Wrap-up Checklist

Relocating the Data Center is a large undertaking that involves a great deal of old and new equipment. Decommissioning the old data center facility ensures that all...

PC Power Management Policy

The power management policy defines the roles of all employee groups as well as their responsibilities when it comes to power reduction; additionally, this policy...

Server Space Usage Policy

The server space usage policy will outline the standards for appropriate use of network server storage space.

Client Software Use Survey

Start with a simple usage survey to find out what kind of software users require on their desktops.

GPS Cell Phone Policy

The GPS Cell Phone policy allows employees to do their jobs effectively. This policy supports the guidelines for appropriate use and other administrative issues relating...

Project Team Meeting Agenda Template

Keeping the team informed is critical to project health. Project teams should participate in regular meetings to communicate project status, identify issues, and track...

Functional Test Plan Template

This tool provides an outline to aid the development of a functional test plan for a software application.

Consultant Evaluation Matrix

Apply Info-Tech's consultant evaluation matrix to help you hire the perfect consultant.

Change Communication Plan Template

The Change Communication Plan ensures that relevant information related to an IT change is provided to all affected stakeholders and staff telling them what they need to...
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