Change Communication Plan Template

Author(s): Deborah Wilcox

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Communication of information related to and resulting from IT initiatives is the most essential component of preparing an organization for the impacts of IT change, and ensuring acceptance of the change. Use this communication plan template to schedule the delivery of timely and meaningful touch points that help IT prepare the organization for upcoming IT changes. This template features:

  • Worksheet for documenting change related information.
  • Worksheet for recording your communication plan.
  • Examples that can be amended, deleted, or added to as meets the needs of your enterprise.

With this template, IT leaders will set a strategy for change initiative communications, assign enough time for communicating, identify the best method of communication with each stakeholder, and avoid scheduling communications in conflict with one another.

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Prepare the Organization for IT Change

Change doesn't have to be bitter medicine. Prepare the organization for a dose of positive progress.

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