Security Operations Program Cadence Schedule Template

Formalize a monthly cadence schedule to actively collaborate both internally and externally with the necessary stakeholders.

Security Operations Collaboration Plan

The Security Operations Collaboration Plan identifies opportunities for optimization through collaboration and cross-training.

System Maintenance Policy – NIST

Use Info-Tech's Maintenance Policy to define how system maintenance procedures will operate.

WannaCry – Addressing the Unprecedented Global Ransomware Attack

Protect yourself against the WannaCry ransomware attack.

APT10 & Operation Cloud Hopper – Exposing a Global Cyberespionage Campaign

Your managed IT service providers may be leaving you vulnerable.

The Shadow Brokers – Details on Leaked Cyberintelligence Tools and Vulnerabilities

This Info-Tech briefing will provide a synopsis of what the Shadow Brokers leak might mean for users and organizations, and what actions can be taken in response to this...

Blowing up the status quo: Brexit will impact IT in the UK and beyond

The Brexit vote says Leave. UK-based IT leaders must start to plan for a potentially new era of trans-border data flow and the availability of IT staff. Those in the rest...

Leverage Threat Intelligence for Your Organization in Five Steps

These five steps will take you through what you need to know to use threat intelligence to improve your organization’s overall security, no matter what your level of...

Project Charter and Status Update Template

Use this template to take a lean approach to scoping initiatives during planning stages and tracking its progress during its execution.

Administrative Rights Policy

The administrative rights policy grants access to individuals’ desktop, laptop, or other end-user devices within a company for those who are qualified and cleared to use...
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