Email Security Gateway Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

This worksheet allows enterprises to profile their email security gateway (ESG) requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed list of vendors....

Email Security Gateway RFP Template

Issuing an RFP to vendors is a critical step in your email security gateway solution selection process.

Email Security Gateway Vendor Demo Script

Allowing vendors to run a product demonstration without your guidance will only highlight their strengths and present a subjective and skewed view of their product offering.

Avoid the Next Heartbleed

This is a brief research note for Info-Tech’s members about the Heartbleed bug, i.e. the first security vulnerability with worldwide impact and response. Understand which...

SaaS Service Level Agreement Template

Use this template to document the specific security requirements of your potential SaaS vendor.

Lenovo, Superfish, MITM attacks, and SSL Interception: the Bigger Picture

Lenovo’s strategy to pre-install the Superfish application on some consumer devices was fundamentally irresponsible and a squander of customers’ trust.

Endpoint Protection TCO & ROI Comparison Calculator

Use this TCO and ROI calculator to compare costs and benefits when examining various endpoint protection solutions.

Endpoint Protection Roadmap & RACI Tool

Assign responsibilities and deadlines for the endpoint protection implementation and management process.

How Small Enterprises Should Buy Cloud Services

Small enterprise IT has been slow to adopt cloud technologies due to security concerns. Don’t let potential risks derail your efforts to optimize, expand, and transform...

Look Beyond Traditional Network Access Control

NAC has grown beyond its original purpose to become known as Security Automation and Orchestration (SA&O). The future of access control lies in individual use cases....
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