Security Technology & Operations - Templates & Policies

Email Acceptable Use Policy

The email acceptable use policy outlines the standards for appropriate use of corporate email accounts.

Server Configuration Policy

The server configuration policy establishes the standards, procedures, and restrictions for new servers being installed within the company.

SIEM Vendor Demo Script

This template is designed to provide Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) vendors with a consistent set of instructions to ensure an objective comparison of...

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Non-disclosure agreements (also known as confidentiality agreements) prohibit the communication of certain non-public business information by individuals. Use this...

Administrative Rights Policy

The administrative rights policy grants access to individuals’ desktop, laptop, or other end-user devices within a company for those who are qualified and cleared to use...

Removable Media Acceptable Use Policy

The removable media acceptable use policy defines the standards, procedures, and restrictions for end users who have legitimate business requirements to connect portable...

Anti-Virus Policy

The anti-virus policy provides a computing network that is virus-free; this policy provides instructions on measures that must be taken by company employees to help...

Document Retention Policy

The document retention policy ensures that copies of certain documents for legal, regulatory, and/or operations reasons are made, committing companies to good business...

Instant Messaging Usage and Security Policy

The instant messaging usage and security policy outlines the standards for the usage of, and security controls associated with, corporate instant messaging.

Data Center Access Policy

The data center access policy will outline the standards for regulating access to the company data center(s).
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