Security Technology & Operations - Blueprints

Modernize Your Identity Authentication Practices

The shift of attackers to targeting user credentials as their main attack vector depicts the importance of improving an organization’s authentication practices. However,...
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Build an Autonomous Security Delivery Roadmap

Cybersecurity is changing rapidly because of more frequent and sophisticated attacks – a challenge worsened by a chronic shortage of qualified cybersecurity analysts....
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Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Organizations face an ever-evolving range of cyberthreats. It is crucial to have a security incident management program to detect, respond, and recover from security...
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Build an Automation Roadmap to Streamline Security Processes

Your information security staff can’t adequately defend the organization from attacks that are growing as much in number as they are in sophistication. • They’re...
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Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

A lack of time and resources prevents your organization from being able to enable security internally, making outsourcing more appealing. An effective outsourcing partner...

Prepare for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Organizations using encryption must begin to consider a future where these methods will no longer provide sufficient protection. The astounding speed and power of quantum...

Integrate Physical Security and Information Security

Facing ever-increasing security threats, many organizations are unifying physical, cyber, and information security systems to gain the long-term overall benefits a...

Improve Email Security

With the organization’s email constantly under threat, proactive measures need to be put in place to ensure the communication, users, and data are protected. This...

Secure Your Hybrid Workforce

The internet is the new corporate network opening organizations to more risks not protected by the current security stack. Using infotech methodology of zero trust is a...

Build Resilience Against Ransomware Attacks

Sophisticated ransomware attacks are increasing and evolving quickly. Build a plan to improve ransomware resilience. Assess your ransomware readiness and implement...
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