Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users

Cyberattackers target your end users, who remain today’s weakest link in organizational security. Design and deliver an effective and up-to-date training program to...
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Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO

CEOs/CXOs are looking to hire or develop a senior security leader and aren't sure how to identify the best candidate. Organizations are looking to optimize their security...
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Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

The GDPR enforcement deadline is here. Organizations must understand the risk of non-compliance and what the ramifications may mean for their reputation and future...
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Build, Optimize, and Present a Risk-Based Security Budget

Security budgets are unlike other department budgets. Increases or decreases in the budget can drastically affect the organizational risk level. Info-Tech’s methodology...
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Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee

Successful information security governance requires a venue to address security concerns with participation across the entire business. Without access to requisite...
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Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing

A lack of time and resources prevent many CISOs and organizations from being able to enable security services and deliver them internally. In addition, there is not...
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Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

A lack of time and resources prevents your organization from being able to enable security internally, making outsourcing more appealing. An effective outsourcing partner...

2020 Security Priorities Report

Use this deck to learn what projects security practitioners are prioritizing for 2020.
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The First 100 Days as CISO

Your first 100 days are the ultimate predictor of your long-term success. Make it count by following Info-Tech's five-step approach.
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Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness

Traditionally, IT security was typified by perimeter security, like you would see in a castle and moat, where if you could get through the front gates, you were trusted...
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