The Shadow Brokers – Details on Leaked Cyberintelligence Tools and Vulnerabilities

This Info-Tech briefing will provide a synopsis of what the Shadow Brokers leak might mean for users and organizations, and what actions can be taken in response to this...

WikiLeaks – Vault 7 Releases

What do the Vault 7 releases mean for you? (And what do they NOT mean.)

Leverage Threat Intelligence for Your Organization in Five Steps

These five steps will take you through what you need to know to use threat intelligence to improve your organization’s overall security, no matter what your level of...

Risk Management Program Manual

Formalizing a risk management program requires creating repeatable and iterative processes, and documenting best practices. Create a comprehensive manual to serve as the...

Risk Costing Tool

It’s impossible to make intelligent decisions about risks without knowing what they’re worth. Use Info-Tech’s Risk Costing Tool to calculate the expected cost of IT’s...

Risk Event Action Plan

Integrate IT risk management with business risk management by creating a paper trail for key risks.

Risk Report

Create a succinct, impactful document that summarizes the outcomes from the risk assessment and highlights the IT risk council’s top recommendations to the senior...

Administrative Rights Policy

The administrative rights policy grants access to individuals’ desktop, laptop, or other end-user devices within a company for those who are qualified and cleared to use...

Instant Messaging Usage and Security Policy

The instant messaging usage and security policy outlines the standards for the usage of, and security controls associated with, corporate instant messaging.

Removable Media Acceptable Use Policy

The removable media acceptable use policy defines the standards, procedures, and restrictions for end users who have legitimate business requirements to connect portable...
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