IT Skills Inventory and Needs Assessment Tool

Reducing headcount is a mentally and emotionally challenging task under any circumstance. Use this tool to take a systematic, skills-focused approach to making staff...

IT Time Tracking Tool

Use this tool to map employees to the roles they perform. Estimate the number of employees needed to meet present or future workloads and identify where the organization...

Merger & Acquisition Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

92% of IT professionals who achieve their merger and acquisition (M&A) goals create an M&A plan with specific timelines outlined for application, infrastructure, data,...

Fast Track Tool: Manage Vendor Performance

Achieving a high level of service or product delivery from vendors generally requires three components: establishing a set of performance targets with the vendor,...

Decision Rights Gap Analysis Tool

This tool assists in identifying decision right gaps by performing a comparison between your organization's unique decision right allocation and the ideal situation.

Fast Track Tool: Select and Evaluate Vendors

Enterprises are dependent on vendors to obtain IT hardware, software and services. The Vendor Management process includes the identification, selection, contracting with,...

Project Pitfall Detection & Mitigation Tool

Use this tool to assess project vulnerability related to four critical challenges that sink many projects. Based on your answers, the tool will indicate which pitfalls...

PPM Strategy Development Tool

This tool will help you assess your current and target PPM capability levels, explore tool options, and analyze costs and benefits.

Stakeholder Management Analysis Tool

A comprehensive tool that tracks identified stakeholders, analyzes them based on influence, interest, and support, and dynamically outputs a visual stakeholder map, a...
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