Project & Portfolio Management - Tools

Risk Management Workbook

This workbook is used to create the project's risk management plan to mitigate or eliminate potential risks, and track each risk item during project execution.

Quality Management Workbook

This workbook is used to facilitate sound quality management that monitors the status of deliverable quality throughout project execution.

Quality Management Capability Assessment and Planning Tool

Assess your current quality management maturity.

Quality Management Review Template

Use this template to form a standard quality review template that can be used to periodically review the performance of the quality initiatives in your key IT practice areas.

Project Backlog ROI Calculator

Use our Project Backlog ROI Calculator to determine the costs incurred by your project backlog and determine the value of this investment.

PMO Director First 100 Days Timeline

Use the MS Project or Excel template to outline the high-level timeline and major milestones for your first 100 days in the PMO.

Project Methodology Assessment Tool

Use this tool during portfolio intake to determine right project management methodology for planning and execution.

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...

Stakeholder Engagement Workbook

Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...

Organizational Change Management Playbook

Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.
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