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Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

Organizations are struggling to get ahead of threats as they continue to respond reactively rather than proactively. Don’t be left behind. Develop a manageable and...
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Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a threat intelligence program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can...

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phases 1-4

Intelligence-driven computer network defense is a risk management strategy that addresses the threat component of risk, incorporating analysis of adversaries, their...

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 1: Plan for a Threat Intelligence Program

Assess your organization's unique threat landscape, current capabilities, and define an ideal target state.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 2: Design an Intelligence Collection Strategy

Design a threat intelligence collection strategy that best supports your organizational needs.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 3: Optimize the Intelligence Analysis Process

Design a threat intelligence analysis process that complements your existing security operations.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 4: Design a Collaboration and Feedback Program

Stand up an intelligence dissemination and feedback program.

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why building an ERP strategy and roadmap is critical to project success.

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 1: Harness the Value of ERP

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you refine your ERP operating model, define the scope of your ERP strategy, outline...

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 2: Conduct the Intake Process and Evaluate Strategy Options

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you conduct an ERP operational assessment, identify improvement opportunities, and...
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