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Design Data-as-a-Service

The current model of point-to-point data exchange internally and externally is simply not secure, fast, flexible, or consistent. This prevents individuals and...
  • guided implementation icon

Design Data-as-a-Service – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support...

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phases 1-3

Data marketplaces facilities data sharing between the data producer and the data consumer. The data product must be carefully designed to truly benefit in today’s...

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 1: Understand Data Ecosystem

This phase will provide clear benefits of adopting the DaaS framework and solid rationale for moving towards a more connected data ecosystem and avoiding data silos.

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 2: Design Data Product

This phase will leverage design thinking methodology and templates to document your most important data products.

Design Data-as-a-Service – Phase 3: Establish a DaaS Framework

This phase will provide a step-by-step guide to capture internal and external data sources critical to data products success for the organization and document end to end...

Cut Cost Through Effective IT Category Planning

An IT category plan identifies the most significant opportunities for IT to cut costs by using a well thought out approach to vendor negotiations that is not reactive or...

Cut Cost Through Effective IT Category Planning – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why you should use a category plan to forecast and manage your IT cost reductions.

Cut Cost Through Effective IT Category Planning Storyboard

Use this storyboard to organize, design, and execute your IT category plan.

IT Category Plan

Use this tool to create your IT category plan. This tool will assist you in identifying and prioritizing your sourcing initiatives and negotiations with your IT vendors.
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