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Getting to Automated Surveillance and Location Intelligence in Public Health Practice Storyboard

This research provides the requisite background, addresses challenges and obstacles, and offers an AI readiness assessment framework and a seven-step guide to getting to “go!”

IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool

A structured tool to help you assess your ITFM maturity.

Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively

Mature your ITFM practice by activating the means to make informed business decisions. Info-Tech’s methodology helps you move the dial by focusing on three maturity focus...

Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively Storyboard

Mature your ITFM practice by activating the means to make informed business decisions.

IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Report Template

This report summarizes your ITFM maturity assessment results to help you communicate with stakeholders.

MSSP RFP Template

This template is designed to introduce consistency and outline key requirements during the request for proposal (RFP) phase of selecting an MSSP.

Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

A lack of time and resources prevents your organization from being able to enable security internally, making outsourcing more appealing. An effective outsourcing partner...

Select a Security Outsourcing Partner – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you determine what responsibilities you can outsource to a service partner, refine the list of role-based requirements, and adopt a program to...

Manage Exponential Value Relationships

Implementing exponential IT will require businesses to work with external partners to facilitate the rapid adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as generative...

Manage Exponential Value Relationships Storyboard

Assess your capabilities to undertake a new model of vendor relationships and drive Exponential IT, using 25 capabilities over four categories.
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