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Business Process Automation Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool is leveraged as part of Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy to help you evaluate the maturity of your BPA practice.

Assess Your Readiness to Implement UCaaS

Unified communication as a service (UCaaS) brings several tools into one platform to provide seamless voice, video, chat, collaboration, sharing, and a whole lot more....

Assess Your Readiness to Implement UCaaS Storyboard

Unified communication as a service is already here. Take advantage of the right solution for your organization whether it is Teams Phone or another product.

UCaaS Readiness Questionnaire

Three sets of questions to help determine your organization's readiness to move to a UCaaS platform.

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government

With increasing online and data usage, government databases are major targets for hackers and acts of cyber warfare. This research provides a deeper look into the...

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government Storyboard

This research serves state and provincial governments in enhancing an existing security strategy, meeting cyberinsurance requirements for an annual tabletop planning...

Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy

As industries evolve and adopt more tools and technologies, their business operating models become more complex. Task- and desktop-based automation are often not enough....
  • guided implementation icon

Prepare for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Organizations using encryption must begin to consider a future where these methods will no longer provide sufficient protection. The astounding speed and power of quantum...

Prepare for Post-Quantum Cryptography Storyboard

Developing quantum-resistant cryptography capabilities is crucial to maintaining data security and integrity for critical applications. Organizations need to take...

Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Storyboard

This document will guide you on how to understand what makes your organization unique and design a security program with capabilities that create business value.
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