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EXM Focus Group Facilitation Guide

This template is a customizable presentation deck that will enable you to quickly prepare to communicate the results of your Employee Experience Monitor survey to your staff.

Focus Group Facilitation Guide Driver Definitions

This printable handout can be used during a focus group activity to remind your staff of the drivers that contribute to employee engagement.

iPads, Chromebooks, and Windows! …Oh My!

Competition between the big three education technology vendors is heating up. Google, Apple, and Microsoft have all adopted innovative solutions to problems specific to...

Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations

Follow this blueprint to learn how to easily identify the AI initiatives that your organization is best positioned to implement and learn how to build the business case...
  • guided implementation icon

Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations – Executive Brief

Read our Executive Brief to understand why you should consider integrating AI into your manufacturing operations.

Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations – Phases 1-3

Follow this blueprint to learn how to easily identify the AI initiatives that your organization is best positioned to implement and learn how to build the business case...

Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations – Phase 3: Ensure Long-Term Vision & Support for AI

This phase of the blueprint will help you gain long-term support for AI in your organization with the development of an AI project roadmap and communication plan.

Executive Presentation: AI in Our Factory

This template will help you to gain buy-in from stakeholders for integrating AI into your manufacturing operations.

How Will Blockchain Impact IT? Part Two: Identity Management

Part two of a short series on the implications of blockchain for IT. This note explores the concept of blockchain-powered identity management, and evaluates the...

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in (supply) chains”: The logistics blockchain

Retailers and international shippers are already using blockchain technology to track their supply chains. In using a decentralized network to verify digital...
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