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Application Development Process – AppDev Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Sales Process for New Clients – Sales Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Five Major Trends

There are a handful of major trends that are driving the world today, above and beyond all others. For that reason, rather than writing about sub-trends in this issue, I...

Historic Masonic Temple finds new owners as Canadian company Info-Tech Research Group purchases the heritage building from Bell Media

Info-Tech Research Group plans to keep the music alive at the historic Masonic Temple TORONTO, June 17, 2013 /CNW/ - After months of speculation, Info-Tech Research...

Global Report on Asia, Q3 2013: What It Takes

We are now seeing a massive shift in investment into the ASEAN region. As recently as five years ago, these funds would have flowed almost entirely to China.

Financial Management Solution Vendor Shortlist Tool

This tool allows tribal governments to generate a customized shortlist of Financial Management Solution vendors based on required capabilities and future requirements for...

Portfolio Management Case Study for Mid-Sized Education Organization

A leading University making the transition toward becoming a Research Institution had a consistent record of growth which created a supply and demand imbalance between...

Service Desk SOP for an Energy Company

With a new service desk tool coming in the following week, the organization wanted to formalize their service desk processes to ensure all requirements were met, and...

Right-Sizing DRP Case Study of a State Government Agency

Increasing complexity within the environment, with competing priorities within the organization, made it challenging to create an actionable DRP or even to know where to...

Cloud Strategy Case Study of a Large Food Producer

The current IT team of an international food producer provided IT services to all sister companies in North American, and was stretched for resources and time. An...
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