
Network Modernization Workbook

Use this tool to record your findings as you work through the exercises to modernize your network.

EUC Roadmap and Project Monitoring Workbook

Use this tool to map out your end-user computing roadmap, and then to keep your team on track.

LIVE May 2018 Industry Roundtable Education

Industry Roundtable Education

Network Management Outsourcing RFP Scoring Tool

The RFP scoring tool will be the primary tool used in the vendor selection process. Additionally, the RFP will be used to select the partner vendor for the outsourcing...

Network Management Outsourcing Roadmap Tool

Keep track of the outsourcing process using the roadmap tool. This tool will help keep all stakeholders informed as to the current progress of the project, while also...

Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify project stakeholders and the impact that the project will have on them, as well as the reaction you expect to receive from the stakeholders.

Network Modernization Technology Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess emerging technologies and decide whether or not to include them in your network modernization solution.

LIVE May 2018 Industry Roundtable Government

Industry Roundtable Government

Network Modernization Roadmap

Use the Network Modernization Roadmap to record and organize your technology, people, and process tasks.

Leadership Competency Library

This comprehensive leadership competency library will help you select and develop your technical leadership competencies.
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